Sunday, March 13, 2011

Run # 59

"Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it." -Oprah Winfrey

Lake Eola is a great running spot. You can run the walking path around the lake, which can be crowded with people or can be completely empty - it all depends on the day. OR you can run the square (shown above).  Brett and I like to go out and say how much of the cootie shot are we running (aka - 2 squares and 1 circle, a square and a circle, 2 circles - etc etc) - we are silly what can I say.

So over the weekend the weather here was really nice - not to hot, not to cold - but of course we waited until late to go run and it was a tad bit chilly for my taste.  Now ok real quick I'm digressing about my run to talk about the Oprah quote - for once I feel shes right. I went and re-read a lot of my posts and wow I've kinda come a long way since I 'started'. Over time I am going further and getting faster which is amazing. I guess I just had to step back and take a look (which is why this blog is great because I can 'see' my past).  Do I get frustrated about my running and time and distance?? YES! Do I think its become easier? Yes and No - running 1 mile is 'easy' now mentally - 2 is almost easy - 3 is still a work in progress but I'm getting there. So I'm definately getting everything out of it that I'm putting into it and need to stick with my 'ah ha' moment a few weeks ago and put into it 3,4,5+ miles. :)

Ok so the run - run went well - left calf is still sore - its odd, I start running and it is so tight but once I get maybe a 1/2 mile in it doesnt hurt as bad. So I'm still taking it 'easy' foam rolling and compression socks after my runs - I almost think I'm doing the foam roller too much since almost any pressure kills. If this keeps up - a visit to a dr might be in my future.

Results of Run #59
Distance: 2.60
Time: 24:34
Pace: 9:27 / mile
M1 - 9:22
M2 - 9:34
M3 (.6) -  9:22 / mile pace

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