For Thanksgiving, Brett and I traveled to my parents house in Ohio to see the family. We like to take our 4 legged child and since she's never flown, we drive. We are a tad bit crazy and drove overnight after work for 16 hours. Not sure how we do it but we get it done.
Loved seeing the family - Love being up north where the weather feels like the holiday. Ok Ok I really just like to wear my sweaters.
I'm very fortunate to have my aunt and uncle live next door to my parents. Each house is on 5+ acres of land so my uncle (who acts like hes 14) comes over on the 4 wheeler. Which worked out because when Uncle #2 arrived, he realized he left some adult beverages at home so the cousin and I were sent to retreive it.
The day after Turkey Day, Brett and I helped my mom set up the Christmas Tree and Garland on the banister. I love where she puts her tree, its such a fun spot.
With the nephews being over, we thought it would be a great idea to take their pictures infront of the Tree... yah not as easy as it seemed. Trying to get three boys (ages 5, 23 months, 11 months) to sit still isnt all cake and ice cream.
Take 1 - Anthony must have done Take 2 - Almost there except Anthony'ssomething interesting Anthony again. LOL
Hope everyone had a Great Thanksgiving.... I know we did. :)
i love my florida weather...but I am missing that chill and fireplace time while setting up a tree with my parents